USNA Class of 1978 First Annual Virtual Class Meeting


The Class of 1978 is having its first annual virtual meeting on February 23, 2025, at 5 PM EST/4 PM CST/ 2PM PST. In the past, we only held class meetings during our five-year reunions, but when we reviewed our bylaws last year, the Board approved adding a requirement for an annual virtual meeting to better keep our classmates informed and to provide opportunities for all to participate.

Three days before the meeting we will send the class a ZOOM video link for the meeting. The meeting agenda is outlined below. Please note there will be a question & answer session at the end of the meeting presentations.

All class members are encouraged to attend, and the class officers will accept additional agenda items until February 17. Please send your additional agenda topic or any question you would like the Board to address to either me at or our class secretary, Vince, at .

Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us on February 23.

AGENDA for Class of 1978 Annual Meeting

  1. Welcome & Introduction of the Board – President, Glen Woods
  2. State of the Class Report – Glen Woods
  3. Treasurer’s Report- Treasurer, Kevin Liddy
  4. Another-Link-in-the-Chain – Secretary & Chair, Vince Balderrama
  5. 50th Reunion Class Gift/Endowment – John Semcken
  6. Question & Answer Session

Fair winds…


Glen Woods

President, USNA Class of 1978