Supported by numerous classmates, Art Athens (18th Co.)delivered an inspiring and uplifting talk to the class of 2028 on becoming leaders of honor, character and integrity at the Class of 2028 Honor Coin Ceremony. Following his remarks, Art and classmates John Aclin (27th Co.), Vince Balderrama (11th Co.), Dave Bennett (27th Co.), Ray Bracy (25th Co.), James Butler (23rd Co.), Fred Butterfield (22nd Co.), Tony Cato (30th Co.), Jim Gafford (36th Co.), Charlie Hautau (16th Co.), Chris Jensen (16th Co.), Chip Jones (16th Co.), Wayne Leong (9th Co.), Tommy Martinez (19th Co.), Lloyd Mosely (22nd Co.), Tim Murphy (32nd Co.), Matt Rausch (21st Co.), John Rudzis (25th Co.), Chet Seto (13th Co.), Joe Stanik (23rd Co.) and Fred Webster (14th Co.) handed out Challenge Coins and greeted members of this class.