We were unable to determine how many enrolled at the Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) at Bainbridge, Maryland, for the 1973-74 academic year, but we do know that 227 graduates of that class took the oath of office with the Class of 1978 on Induction Day 1974. The Class of 1974 was the last class to attend NAPS at the United States Naval Training Center, Bainbridge, a facility of several hundred acres located above the Susquehanna River in Port Deposit, Maryland at the former Tome School campus. In August 1974, NAPS returned to its permanent home in Newport, Rhode Island.
Of the 227 who took the oath, 134 would graduate and be commissioned officers in the Navy and Marine Corps along with Tom Harper (17th Co.), NAPS Class of 1973, who joined the Class of 78 after his successful battle with cancer.
Of the 134 who graduated:
- Four would achieve flag rank – VADM Mel Williams (26th Co.), RADM Vic Guillory (32nd Co.), RADM Dave Philman (24th Co.) and RDML Jay Bowling (24th Co.)
- Four were sports captains – Andy Cuca (17th Co.), Co-Captain 150 lb Football, Scott Eckert (22nd Co.), Co-Captain Soccer, Carl Jorden (17th Co.), Captain Heavyweight Crew, and Jim Shulson (22nd Co.), Co-Captain Lacrosse
- One is a member of the Naval Academy Athletic Association Hall of Fame – John Sturges (34th Co.)
The members of the Class of 1978 who were members of the Naval Academy Prep School Class of 1974, graduates are emboldened:
Jack Adolph (8th Co.)
Gary L. Anania (9th Co.)
Daniel J. Barnd (31st Co.)
Howard S. Bayes, Jr. (28th Co.)
John R. Benson (35th)
Gary W. Boettcher (16th Co.)
John H. Bowling (24th Co.)
Michael J. Brown (36th Co.)
Nelson M. Cayabyab (6th Co.)
James M. Christensen (30th Co.)
Thomas C. Clinton (22nd Co.)
Kenneth C. Colby (4th Co.)
Ralph R. Costanzo (16th Co.)
Terry Crawford (24th Co.)
William G. Cummings (31st Co.)
Keith T. Davies (24th Co.)
James J. DeGree (33rd Co.)
Loren C. Divers (10th Co.)
William D. Dreger (7th Co.)
Scott R. Eckert (22nd Co.)
Robert J. Fallon (21st Co.)
James D. Felton (20th Co.)
Byron J. Fink (26th Co.)
Peter C. Gallati (32nd Co.)
Gerald D. Goodwin (31st Co.)
Wesley E. Goudy
Steven J. Gregor
Michael J. Gurny (12th Co.)
Henry D. Hall (18th Co.)
Louis G. Hanson (10th Co.)
Thomas D. Holman (21st Co.)
Michael B. Howell (15th Co.)
Stephen B. Jacoby (31st Co.)
Christopher H. Jensen (13th Co.)
Robert J Juergens (33rd Co.)
Andrew T. Karakos (27th Co.)
Elton M. Kelley (15th Co.)
John L. King (8th Co.)
Robby L. Knight (23rd Co.)
George M. Koucheravy (18th Co.)
Robert O. Laughlin (20th Co.)
Daryl A. Lengel (29th Co.)
Scott A. Lis (12th Co.)
Donald J. Lott (8th Co.)
Joseph M. Marks (31st Co.)
Bernard F. Mattingly (6th Co.)
Michael S. McKinney (28th Co.)
John A. Messer, Jr. (34th)
Jerry A. Mitchell, Jr. (1st Co.)
Herbert J. Nyberg (34th Co.)
Bradford J. Parsons (7th Co.)
John S. Peterson (7th Co.)
Antonios G. Poleondakis (15th Co.)
Lester L. Price (9th Co.)
Carl K. Radford (7th Co.)
Edwin W. Reeves (29th Co.)
Irwin N. Richardson (5th Co.)
Enrique A. Rodriguez (14th Co.)
Edward L. Ross (36th Co.)
Reydel S. Santos (14th Co.)
Richard R. Schimizze (1st Co.)
Anthony D. Shaddix (24th Co.)
Danny J. Smith (9th Co.)
John D. Stalnaker (29th Co.)
Bert C. Stevens (35th Co.)
John B. Sturges III (34th Co.)
George R. Teufel (22nd Co.)
Larry B. Thompson (3rd Co.)
Lemanuel A. Turner (35th Co.)
Gary J. Vinciguerra (1st Co.)
John P. Wallace (20th Co.)
Francis M. Webster III (14th Co.)
Craig B. Whalon (16th Co.)
Arnett J. Wise (26th Co.)
Harry M. Woods (9th Co.)
Marlon Young (17th Co.)
Gerald E. Alford (15th Co.)
Steven W. Bacon (20th Co.)
Michael S. Basford (3rd Co.)
Miguel I. Becerril (15th Co.)
Dick E. Blakeley (5th Co.)
Stephen K. Bollinger (26th Co.)
Phillip C. Brennan (32nd Co.)
David R. Castillo (35th Co.)
Richard A. Chapman (8th Co.)
Walter L. Clark (18th Co.)
Jeffrey L. Clites (7th Co.)
Victor A. Colson (29th Co.)
Daniel L. Cox (32nd Co.)
Michael J. Crum (5th Co.)
Stephen P. Curtis (17th Co.)
William E. Davis (12th Co.)
Robert S. Denbigh (4th Co.)
Calvin R. Dixon (29th Co.)
Rickey L. Dubberly (33rd Co.)
Robert Eggleston (11th Co.)
Faris T. Farwell (29th Co.)
Keith Fetzer (11th Co.)
Jeffrey L. Gagne (24th Co.)
Peter A. Gillam (33rd Co.)
Timothy E. Goodwin (9th Co.)
Douglas D. Grau (1st Co.)
Gerardo Guerraro (3rd Co.)
Ralph H. Haile (10th Co.)
Michael S. Hall (30th Co.)
Thomas J. Harper (17th Co.)
Herbert A. Hopper (6th Co.)
William E. Hubbard (14th Co.)
Carlton Bradford James (14th Co.)
Randy H Johnson (27th Co.)
Eric A. Kalisky (20th Co.)
Edward D. Kee (34th Co.)
Neil F. Kennedy (12th Co.)
Frank A. Klepacki (13th Co.)
Leif H. Konrad III (15th Co.)
Robert W. Lamont (3rd Co.)
Kenneth M. Law (34th Co.)
Mark V. Lindstrom (35th Co.)
Thomas W. Littauer
David P. Malone (23rd Co.)
Dean R. Marzetta (11th Co.)
Thomas J. Mattingly (18th Co.)
Thomas D. McLeod (2nd Co.)
Leon E. Miller (27th Co.)
Mark D. Mooney (13th Co.)
G. M. Oslovar (32nd Co.)
James A. Pavlicek (20th Co.)
David L. Philman (24th Co.)
Tyrone Potts (2nd Co.)
Scott M. Provow (21st Co.)
Thomas L. Rehrig (26th Co.)
Ronald P. Reitz (3rd Co.)
Mark J. Roberts (7th Co.)
John H. Rogers (33rd Co.)
Cecil G. Rupp (21st Co.)
Ralph P. Scaffidi (36th Co.)
Donald R. Schneider (18th Co.)
Robert H. Shinskie (2nd Co.)
Barry R. Smith (3rd Co.)
Kurt E. Stein (6th Co.)
Robert J. Stolle (35th Co.)
Michael J. Sweeney (9th Co.)
Bradley G. Thomann (30th Co.)
Johannes B. Torsy (13th Co.)
Donald L. Urquidez (2nd Co.)
Kenneth E. Waldie (10th Co.)
Thomas L. Walston (10th Co.)
Robert A. Wehr
Douglas R. Wight (1st Co.)
Lon D. Wojtowicz (8th Co.)
Keith L. Wray (8th Co.)
James E. Ziegler (7th Co.)
John M. Amicarella (18th Co.)
David A. Balestrieri (4th Co.)
Charles G. Batt III (19th Co.)
Richard M. Bennett (16th Co.)
Richard K. Boch (27th Co.)
Norman B. Boster, Jr. (3rd Co.)
Jeffrey R. Brown (2nd Co.)
Anthony M. Cato (30th Co.)
Jack A. Christensen (31st Co.)
Welling Clark (5th Co.)
James E. Cobb (11th Co.)
William A. Cook (23rd Co.)
Clinton H. Cragg (26th Co.)
Andrew J. Cuca (17th Co.)
Thomas D. Dannessa (11th Co.)
Manrolino De Leon (9th Co.)
Willis A. Dial (10th Co.)
Kevin C. Donlon (28th Co.)
Jesse H. Durham
Dean A. Engelhardt (19th Co.)
William W. Faucett (29th Co.)
Marshall H. Fields (14th Co.)
David Gallardo
Charles W. Gilliam
Russell J. Gordon (4th Co.)
Kenneth L. Greene (22nd Co.)
Victor G. Guillory (32nd Co.)
John M. Haley (5th Co.)
Kevin M. Hannan (13th Co.)
Paul L. Hermeling (11th Co.)
David G. Houghton (23rd Co.)
Joseph E. Hynes II (1st Co.)
Michael F. Jarvis (36th Co.)
William C. Jorden III (17th Co.)
James L. Kantner (25th Co.)
Steven Keen (19th Co.)
George W. Kersten (33rd Co.)
Leo L. Klikier (13th Co.)
James R. Koslow (6th Co.)
Daniel L. Lanius
James W. Leiser (26th Co.)
Thomas G. Link (31st Co.)
Brent C. Lloyd (4th Co.)
Stephen A. Maloney (16th Co.)
James E. Matthews
Michael B. McGee (5th Co.)
Thomas A. Means (8th Co.)
Michael G. Miner (21st Co.)
Elmer J. Nelson (25th Co.)
John E. Page (2nd Co.)
Michael E. Pelleschi (19th Co.)
Robert V. Pierce (35th Co.)
Bruce O. Powell
Neil F. Quinlan (35th Co.)
Herman P. Reddick, Jr. (13th Co.)
Jack B. Richardson (14th Co.)
Brian M. Roby (19th Co.)
Timothy N. Rose (12th Co.)
Michael R. Saddler (13th Co.)
Kenneth Schaeffer
Mark A. Senseman (23rd Co.)
James E. Shulson (22nd Co.)
James B. Stallings (34th Co.)
Stephen A. Sterner (15th Co.)
Scott E. Strommer (28th Co.)
Edilio J. Tei (4th Co.)
Gary L. Thompson (32nd Co.)
Keith A. Trumbull (30th Co.)
James S. Vice (30th Co.)
Kenneth M. Wallace (25th Co.)
Kevin R. Walter (23rd Co.)
Aaron E. Welch (8th Co.)
Melvin G. Williams, Jr. (26th Co.)
Daryl L. Wood (11th Co.)
Thomas L. Wright III (28th Co.)