Dear ’78 Classmate:
Fifty years ago, on a hot and humid July Annapolis day, we assembled in T-court for the first time as classmates. We raised our right hands, swore an oath to our country, and took the first steps on a journey of service to our nation and the communities in which we live. We also began forming bonds of brotherhood that have lasted a lifetime!
Those four years at USNA dramatically changed our lives, mostly for the better, even if we may not have always thought so while we were midshipmen. Our Academy experience shaped our character, determined our career path and success (either long or short) in the military, enabled us to “marry up” and raise families, furthered our education, helped secure our financial stability, and been a positive influence in our post-military lives.
Since graduation, our class has given over $17 million in lifetime donations! With so much already given, it is a humbling task to ask each of you to dig deep once again or for the first time. So – why give generously NOW?
- We did a survey to find out what you all wanted to support. Our Gift Committee will ensure that your donations will support the causes you prioritized in the survey.
- This is the first endowment ever started by a USNA class. We plan on this gift giving ~ $500,000/year in perpetuity. No other class has ever done anything like this.
- As so eloquently articulated by the Travis Manion Foundation, “If not me, then who? If not now, when?” We are all in our late 60’s/early 70’s and the clock is ticking.
How much should I give? While there is certainly no bottom or top limit, a commitment of $2500/year in each of the next five years will significantly help us reach our goal. You will also become part of the President’s Circle which provides added benefits. To help “jump start” the Class of 1978 Endowment and lead by example, the 18 members of the gift committee and board committed to make a lead gift contribution of $3.0M! Ultimately, the amount of your gift is totally up to you! Our goal is $10 million and 78% participation!
Please respond to the paper mailer or complete the online pledge form in the email. If you would like a call from a classmate on the committee, please respond to your Company rep or contact any of the committee members below. Thank you again for your thoughtful consideration and your participation in this process.
Go Navy and Go Hard ’78!
John Semcken and the Gift Committee [Frank Behm, Dave Buss, Chip Jones, John Kovalcik, Ray Kwong, Bill Levis, Kevin “Grinch” Lynch, John Rudder, Maurice Tose, John Young