Thirteen Join Supply Corps Upon Graduation, Four Will Join Later
By Scott Burns (34th Co.)
In February 1978 the Class of ’78 trooped down to Memorial Hall to make their selection of service. Marine Corps, Aviation, Nuclear Power, Surface Line, Submarines, Civil Engineering Corps. A myriad of choices. For some of us, the choices were a bit more streamlined. Due to an assortment of medical issues (color blindness, bad knee, bad backs, cancer, kidney disease, etc), many of us (who had to fight to get a commission) would be joining a different type of corps. Some chose Weather, Intelligence, etc, but 13 of us chose Supply Corps and were headed (2 with wives) to Athens Georgia in mid July 1978 to join the Porkchop Corps.
We arrived with some useful gouge. Navy Supply Corps School had a very limited BOQ. If one arrived early to NSCS and signed in, one would be living on “base”. If, however, one chose to sign in after the first day of reporting, the BOQ would be full and we would get VHA and live out in town. It just so happens that the bulk of the USNA contingent all managed to live out on Broad Street. Bob Schwaneke, Shaun Bradley and I had the pleasure of living next door to several of the Georgia Bulldogs cheerleaders.
After four years of Canoe U, more school was not high on our list. Attending UGA football games was a bigger priority. Fortunately, Georgia was blessed with one of their best teams in years in the Fall of 1978, so Athens was a fun place to be. And the Fifth Quarter on Broad Street a great place to relax after another Bulldog win. The Night Owl Lounge was more to Bob’s liking!
UGA went on to a 9-1-1 regular season record, ending with a huge win over archrival Georgia Tech in Athens 29-28. Tailgating was a mandatory Saturday occurrence. Tom Harper’s connections got us some field passes to a few games.
It wasn’t all fun though, as we learned to handle disbursing, food operations, ship’s store and supply operations for shore and afloat assignments. In mid-December we received our assignments. For many of us, our paths crossed as we headed to our first duty stations. Shaun, Bob and I shared a 3 bedroom apartment for 6 months in Virginia Beach and then headed our separate ways. Drew Nienhaus and Gary Lovgren served together at NAS Lemoore. It’s much easier to stay connected now with iPhones and social media.
Shaun Bradley (5th Co.): As for me, I was one of the lame, blind, and crazy 13 that had some medical issue. Was restricted to shore duty only. For me it was my knee. Had tour as SUPPO for VQ-2 in Rota, Spain (yeah, rough duty) and eventually got my shore duty only changed so I could go to sea. Was S-6 (Aviation SUPPO) on Vinson for 3 years -great, great tour. Got out. Came to Atlanta and got into military recruiting with the Lucas Group. Was VP/GM about a year in and then 3 years later founded Bradley-Morris. Had a great run for 17 years and sold in November 2007, 6 months before the financial world ended (I didn’t see it coming either). Wrote a book about my story and the experience (Small Business Veteran – I know, I’m sure some of you were surprised I could read let alone write a book). Retired early and got back in the game a few years ago and am now a Vistage Chair where I lead three CEO Peer Groups of small and medium-sized companies where I help them and they help each other with all the challenges inherent in leading their organizations. Saw Vance Moore last year prior to him hiking the Appalachian Trail and Vance Berry at a mutual great friend’s funeral. Met wife Libby when I came to Atlanta. Married 33 years with 5 kids who all live in Atlanta.
Walt Brown (11th Co.): Three days after entering plebe summer the Navy realized I was color blind. Was advised by Medical that once “you’re in, you’re in”. So the Supply Corps was it for me. Diana and I married three days after graduation. After Supply Corps School we headed to Long Beach, California, where I served onboard USS Henderson (DD785). Our first child, Cory, was born a few months after reporting. Our second child, Hillary, was born just before we left Henderson. Our next assignment was in Washington, DC, at the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), where I was a contracting intern. Our next stop was Singapore. I provided logistic support and ship repair services to US Navy ships transiting into and out of the Indian Ocean. Next, I served as the Purchase Officer for the Philadelphia Shipyard. Stephanie, our third child, was born at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital. These tours comprised my first seven years of commissioned service. We moved back to the DC area, where I was affiliated with the Naval Reserve. I went to work for almost three years with one of the Beltway consulting firms. I stepped out independently and offered consulting services assisting smaller companies seeking business with the Federal Government. In January 1991, I was recalled to active duty in my reserve assignment with the Joint Staff J-4 for twelve months for Desert Storm. Shortly after this recall, in July 1992, we moved to Pendleton, Indiana, so our children could get to know Diana’s parents. In Indiana, I headed up marketing and sales for a network of metallurgical and environmental testing laboratories with locations in Indiana, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. In June 1997, a Presidential Recall placed me back on active duty with orders to support the Bosnia operations. When I returned home in March of 1998, I purchased a small construction-related business. I operated this firm for almost three years before selling it. I accepted orders to return to active duty for 36 months, supporting the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Commander in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. These orders brought us to our current home in Carlisle, PA. Yes, the home of the Army’s War College. I am one of fifteen to twenty Navy grads living in this Army town. At the end of this tour, I purchased another construction business in Harrisburg, PA. We operated this firm until the end of 2014. I worked for NAVSUP as a civilian for about nine years. All three of our adult children, their spouses, and our eight grandchildren live within a two-hour drive of our home. Somehow, we manage to stay extremely busy. My uniform service comprised 12.5 years of active duty and 17.5 years as a drilling reservist. I had the privilege of retiring on June 6, 2008, along with 35+ classmates at the Naval Academy. I retired in 2018 from civil service. Currently, I am running for the local school board.
Scott Burns (34th Co.): I learned plebe year I had a kidney disease (after 5 kidney stones), yet somehow convinced the Navy (through 2 Medical Boards) to let me stay at USNA and get a commission 34th Co.) (Supply Corps shore duty only). First duty station (’79-’82) at Norfolk Naval Shipyard as Shop Stores Officer. Married Kay, my high school sweetheart, in Sept 1979. Last duty station (’82 – ’85) was FICEURLANT as Supply & Finance Officer where I digitized the entire budget process and submission. Joined the Navy to see the world and saw Norfolk VA. I left the Navy after 7 years (medical discharge) and spent 30 years in Purchases at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati buying materials for Pampers, Tide, Cascade and IT. Leading global purchases organizations was a great gig. I’ve been to 49 countries and flown around the world for business 8 times. A highlight of our time with P&G was the family spending 4 years in Frankfurt Germany while I bought Feminine Hygiene materials. My family went to Kenya, the Arctic Circle and Santa for Christmas, along with trips to Paris, Rome, Madrid and London. I finished my career leading P&G’s waste minimization effort and became a key sustainability resource. After retiring from P&G I taught Sustainability for 5 years at Xavier University and joined Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. Now fully retired, Kay and I currently spend our time between Cincinnati (our 2 sons live there) and Norris Lake in Tennessee. This past year I spent a large chunk of time writing a book about my 89 year old dad’s baseball life (published on Amazon), which has given him great joy and reconnected him with his old ballplayers.
John Day (1st Co.): During First Class summer I developed spinal cord compression symptoms. By the time I was home on leave from first class cruise my symptoms had progressed. I had emergency spinal surgery at Emory University in Atlanta. My diagnosis was spinal cord compression from a benign tumor in the spinal canal. Surgery was successful but complicated by spinal shock and temporary paraplegia related to swelling. This gradually improved over time with healing and rehab. I was fortunate not to be medically discharged from the Naval Academy and allowed to graduate with our class.
After graduation I was restricted to shore duty and went to Supply Corps School in Athens Ga. I then was stationed at the Naval Supply Center in Charleston, SC. In the summer of 1980 was reevaluated by the medical board who decided to discharge me.
Through my experiences, I developed a real interest in medicine and health care and decided I wanted to be a physician.
After completing all the prerequisites to apply, I was accepted to medical school at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) and graduated in 1986. I met my wife Cindy at MCG and we were married in 1983. My internship and residency was in Internal Medicine at UAB (the University of Alabama at Birmingham 1986-1989). I completed a fellowship in Gastroenterology at UAB (1989-1992). I chose to join a Gastroenterology practice in Birmingham in 1992 where I still am today.
It’s been a real blessing to live, raise a family (4 children; Jenna, John, Joshua and Michael) and care for the people in this community.
Steve Ferree (23rd Co.): I didn’t realize I was color blind until I applied to USNA. Fortunately it led to a career in the Supply Corps. After graduating from NSCS Athens, Gina and I squeezed in a wedding before heading out to San Diego to a fleet-up LST. Then on to Navy Ships Parts Control Center (SPCC) where I found out the Supply Corps community was much different (in a good way) from shipboard life.
I was enticed to stay in the Navy with a memorable 2 year PEP assignment in Sydney Australia, followed by an MBA at the Wharton School. Then it was back to sea on a new Aegis cruiser (USS Antietam), NAVSUP OP, NAVSEA and finally finished out my 20 years in Mechanicsburg. I decided against going back to sea and made the jump to corporate America. I spent the next 18 years as a senior manager at MeadWestvaco, headquartered in Richmond VA, where I retired in 2016 after surviving three corporate mergers. Gina and I now stay very busy at our 55+ active community in central Florida.
Tom Harper (17th Co.): ′′The personal courage of Tom Harper is a hallmark of this class.” So opened Rear
Admiral Kinnard McKee’s Commencement remarks to the Class of 1978. Tom was diagnosed with cancer in the fall of 1973, something that he battled bravely his entire life. Many of us got to know Tom at NSCS. Tom had done inspirational talks at UGA and this enabled him to get us some choice football tickets. Tom left Athens and embarked on a successful naval and corporate career. After a lifetime of incredible courage, Tom finally left us too soon in April 2002.
The link below are remarks about Tom’s life from his brother Randy ’71 in Shipmate.
Steve Koronka (9thCo.): In April of ‘78, the USNA senior doctor, after my many trips to NAVHOSP Bethesda first class year, informed me that due to my abnormal blood chemistry, my service selection of Surface Line was not to be “Mighty Fine.” “How about Supply Corps?” “Where do I sign?” Good decision. Little did I know that my Navy and subsequent business careers would take me to all seven continents.
After Athens, orders to the Panama Canal Zone, where I ran the Navy’s third largest fuel terminal, making multiple canal transits. Sea duty followed as department head on an amphib from Little Creek. We deployed as part of a five-ship squadron in Beirut. I was ashore weekly with the Marines and came through several close calls. Sadly my Marine shipmates were hit as part of the October 1983 suicide bombing, three weeks after my tour ended. One more tour at NAS Willow Grove finished my active-duty career followed by joining the Naval Reserve and attending grad school in San Francisco for my MBA.
I had a very active Reserves career. I found myself commanding a petroleum reserve unit including a three-week mission to Antarctica supporting Operation Deep Freeze. A chance meeting with Gary Lovgren at DLA HQ resulted in me under Presidential Recall orders for a year and a half to Operation Joint Endeavor in Germany and Hungary, sometimes packing my Beretta 92 when downrange. As a Hungarian speaker, I was logistics liaison between the Hungarian Defense Ministry and IFOR, with an office in the U.S. Embassy in Budapest, followed by a tour as military aide to the U.S. senior advisor for arms reduction, often at the OSCE in Vienna and the Balkans. Future reserve assignments took me often to Hawaii, Asia, and Europe again, ending with a tour establishing AFRICOM in Stuttgart where I retired as Captain after 30 years.
My civilian business career ran in parallel with reserve life, starting with banking in NYC, though that didn’t suit me, so back to CA and high-tech work in Silicon Valley, starting as part of the management team at the Apple Computer factory building the first Macs. I had several other Silicon Valley supply chain jobs in small and Fortune 500 companies as I built my career to senior positions, with much time in Asia and Europe.
One thing led to another, and I found myself back in Stuttgart as a EUCOM contractor, then as a GS – Chief of Knowledge Management at TRANSCOM HQ – Scott AFB, and same job at AFRICOM HQ in Stuttgart again. Four tours in Europe, about eight years in total took me all over that continent and to Africa seven times including climbing and summiting Mount Kilimanjaro, tallest peak in Africa.
Now, fully retired, I live in Ashburn, VA, with my wife Carolyn, who is still in a senior USG job until she retires, which can’t come soon enough.
Daryl Lengel (29th Co.): After NSCS Daryl received an MBA in Hotel and Restaurant Management from Michigan State University. While serving his country, he received two Navy Commendation Medals, a Meritorious Unit Commendation, a Navy Expeditionary Medal, a National Defense Service Medal, the Navy “E” ribbon, and a Sea Service Deployment Ribbon. He served aboard the USS La Salle and the USS DuPont. He served as Assistant Comptroller for Vice President George H. W. Bush’s residence at the Naval Observatory and Food Service Director at the U.S. Naval Academy, before retiring in 1999. Daryl passed away too soon on December 6, 2010, in Collierville, TN.
Charlie Love (21st Co.): Second class year physical I was flagged as color blind and stamped as restricted line, which led me to the Supply Corps. Shelley and I were the second wedding on graduation day and just celebrated our 45th anniversary. After Athens I was Disbursing Officer then fleeted up to Supply Officer on USS Julius A Furer FFG-6. Great tour. Roomed with 78er Jim Carr and for last 6 months onboard with Mark Broome my old 21st company roommate.
Next assignment was as Officer Inspector of Uniforms at USNA. What a great job managing the barbers, tailors, cobblers and press shop. Went to all the USNA football games with Walt and Diana Brown. Next went to USS Saratoga CV-60 as S-1. Lost both my parents at the start of the tour and decided to get out in 1985 to spend time with Shelley and our son (soon added a 2nd son).
I went to work as a Supplier Quality engineer for Texas Instruments Defense. Stayed 14 years until Raytheon bought us and moved my group to Tucson. Worked for a tech startup in Orlando for 2 1/2 years, went public then went under. I got asked to come back to Raytheon in McKinney Texas and was the Quality manager for a few Texas sites before going to Forrest Mississippi and finding that’s where the really advanced radars get built. Got a transfer as Quality Manager at Largo Florida (near Tampa) which was closer to grandson in Orlando.
Retired in the middle of Covid and have been having a ball. Getting ready for one more move near Orlando this spring or summer when the house gets finished. Son that lived in Orlando is now working on Broadway in NYC and lives there with wife and 2 of our 3 grandkids. Other son is a professor at OK City University and lives there with wife and our other granddaughter.
Vance Moore (8th Co.): A combination of a bad knee and back led to my medical board and a Supply Corps career. Many things changed over the next 21 years while serving in porkchop billets that spanned across a spectrum of aviation and maritime arenas. The most memorable tours included traveling with the Blue Angels as their “Business Manager,” patrolling on an Ohio-class Trident sub (USS Georgia (Gold)), supporting combat units while “in-country” during Desert Storm, overseeing logistics operations while deployed on nuke aircraft carriers USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and USS Abraham Lincoln and later with the Marines of the 13th MEU on USS Peleliu (LHA-5). These “rides” took me around the world over three times, albeit some of it was underwater. Did a stint as an executive recruiter working for Shaun Bradley right out of the Navy (Thanks, Shaun!) before getting back into logistics in 2001 with AAR, a Chicago-based aviation 3PL provider. Switched over to Northrop Grumman Corporation in 2005 where I bounced coast-to-coast helping coordinate product support planning for the Triton and Fire Scout unmanned aircraft programs. That all led to becoming the NGC Corporate Lead Executive in Philadelphia for Naval Aviation Global Logistics and Operational Support 2013-2015. Finished up with NGC in St Augustine, FL, in 2017 after working to reconstitute the Tunisian Air Force (in Tunisia).
Two days after retiring from NGC, Helen (my wife of 42 years) and I hit the road and spent three months in Europe. We really enjoyed hiking 500 miles across Spain on the Camino de Santiago. I followed that up with a knee replacement in 2018 before solo hiking 500 miles of the Appalachian Trail, the Pinhoti Trail and 500 miles of the Florida Trail in 2019. We recently came back from the UK and hiking Hadrian’s Wall this spring. I just finished restoring a 2000 Skeeter bass boat and am attempting to fish the top five bass fishing lakes across the Confederate States.
Currently serve as part-time Chaplain at a restaurant and never pass up an opportunity to sing baritone in a barbershop quartet. I live in Fleming Island, Florida with Helen – when I can, for as long as I can. We have three adult children: Stewart, Gator, Holly; two daughters-in-law: Shannon and Katie; and, two twin 13-year-old grandsons: Josh and Christian. (I married a widow.)
Drew Nienhaus (36th Co.): During 2nd Class year, I was diagnosed with asthma and received a medical waiver limiting my service selection options to restricted line and staff corps. While on 1st Class Cruise aboard USS Santa Barbara in the Med, I was assigned to the ship’s Supply Department for the duration of the cruise. That cruise prompted my desire to join the Supply Corps. The five months in Athens was a great time. I shared an apartment with Steve Ferree and lived at Sussex Club Apartments along with several ’78 classmates. I also met my wife Jann (UGA student) there, and we married in 1979. From NSCS I had three assignments, including San Diego-based USS Juneau (LPD-10), VP-30 at NAS Jacksonville, and Mayport-based USS Vreeland (FF-1068), after which I left active duty and was affiliated with the Naval Reserve. We moved to Topeka, KS, where I worked at a distribution center for a large retailer. But two years later, I returned to active duty in the TAR program. I enjoyed serving at NAS Lemoore, CA with Gary Lovgren. My wife Jann and our family lived a few houses away from Gary, Holly, and their family. After a tour at Naval Reserve Readiness Command Region 22 in Seattle and three consecutive assignments in New Orleans including NAS JRB New Orleans, COMNAVAIRESFOR Staff (N41) and COMNAVRESFOR Staff (N4), my last duty station was NAVSUP HQ. During those two years in PA, I enjoyed living in Carlisle near Walt Brown and his wife Diana.
After retirement in 2005, I returned to the New Orleans area, but Hurricane Katrina interfered with job opportunities in that area. So, I had a few short-duration jobs before taking a position with a utility company. That took us to The Woodlands, TX in 2012. I am still working but may change course in the next year. Jann and I have three sons, one who lives in Seattle with his wife and one-year-old boy, one in Baton Rouge, and one in the Houston area.
Larry Price (6th Co.): I had known that I was color blind since 10th grade. I wasn’t trying to hide it, I didn’t understand the impact. The Navy didn’t discover my color perception defect until commissioning physical 2nd class year. Only then did I discover color vision’s impact on service selection. Although a mechanical engineer major, because of academics there were really only two options service selection night, and the Supply Corps won over the Marine Corps.
From NSCS I went to the west coast as the Assistant Supply Officer in USS Paul F Foster (DD- 964) followed by Tactical Electronic Squadron Three Three (VAQ-33), Key West FL. USS Guam (LPH-9) needed an aviation stores officer, so it was off to Norfolk. Then back to the west coast as SUPPO in USS Cleveland (LPD-7). Cross country again to NAVSEA HQ. Met my wife Mary (daughter of Milton Hartranft ’52) and we wed in 1988. Back to California at NPS Monterey, CA, obtaining subspecialities in Material Logistics, Inventory Systems, and Transportation logistics.
One final cross country move to Tidewater VA and assignments to PCU and USS George Washington (CVN-73) as ASUPPO, COMNAVAIRLANT, NAS Norfolk as SUPPO and a final tour at Naval Transportation Support Center.
After retiring in 2002 I kept trying to help, getting heavily involved in our local Baptist Church. Did some contractor support services work and eventually worked at several NAVSUP commands as a civil servant. I finally fully retired in May 2023 from NAVSUP Business Support Center (FMSO). Currently we are sorting out what retirement life looks like. In the short term it looks like enjoying the summer with Mary in Virginia Beach.
Bob Schwaneke (1st Co.): My medical issue was the “heartbreak” of psoriasis, discovered Spring of my senior year. So that cancelled my orders to flight school and I could pick SWO or a restricted line community. I chose the Supply Corps and had a blast at Supply Corps School in Athens with all the guys! I then spent 28 years in the Navy, retiring as a Captain in 2006 as Assistant Chief of Staff – Logistics (N41 – Force Supply Officer) for COMNAVSURFLANT. I served on 5 ships during my career: INGERSOLL (DD-990, ASUPPO); O’CALLAHAN (FF-1051, SUPPO); WHITE PLAINS (AFS-4 in Guam, Cargo & Stock Control); SATURN (TAFS-10; OIC of the MILDET and SUPPO); and LASALLE (AGF-3, SIXTH Fleet Flagship in Gaeta, Italy, SIXTH Fleet SUPPO). Shore tours including: Leadership & Management Instructor at NSCS; SPCC in Mechanicsburg, PA; DLA HQ in DC; two tours in Italy at CTF-63 in Naples and COMSIXTHFLT in Gaeta; CO, Naval Transportation Support Center, Norfolk; and two separate tours at COMNAVSURFLANT, first as the Deputy ACOS for Logistics as a CDR and second as the ACOS. Moved 13 times.
When I was an instructor at NSCS Athens 1983-1985, I linked up with both Vance Berry and Bruce Gearey as line-transfer students. In 1988, I graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA obtaining a Master of Science in Systems Inventory and Material Logistics Support.
After retirement, I spent 2 years (2006-2008) with Life Cycle Engineering in Norfolk, VA. Then, after moving back to Rolla MO, I spent 5 years (2010-2015) as a part-time consultant to COMSIXTHFLT Logistics in Naples. I have two grown children (son/daughter) who both live in the Tidewater area – Moyock, NC and Chesapeake, VA. I currently live in Rolla, MO, my ol hometown, totally retired as a “gentleman farmer!” I have the land (40 acres) and equipment but don’t farm!
Several years later the following ‘78ers joined the Supply Corps as well.
Vance Berry (14th Co.): I was initially a SWO aboard USS Nashville (LPD-13) and then studied Ops Research at Naval Post Graduate School. While at NPS, I transferred to the Supply Corps and joined Bruce Gearey at Athens in 1984. During that time, Bruce regularly schooled me in golf at the UGA golf course. From there I served as Supply Officer of USS Peoria (LST-1183) and then did my payback tour for Monterey at the DLA Ops Research Office in Richmond, Va. After DLA, I resigned from active duty and entered the Naval Reserves and retired in 1999. During my civilian career, I worked at Reynolds Metals Company, KPMG, BearingPoint, and Deloitte Consulting. The later part of this time focused on DoD clients. In the last few years, I was president of a Native Hawaiian Owned company also serving the DoD market and now am a regional director where I manage multiple Native Hawaiian businesses. I live in Alexandria, Virginia.
Bruce Gearey (30th Co.): I was a line transfer to the Supply Corps. After my first sea tour as Gunnery Officer and then DCA, I was an instructor at SWOS Coronado. I really enjoyed my time in the Navy, but being EOOW qualified on a 1200 psi DDG steam plant, I saw CHENG in my future if I remained a SWO. I first met Bob Schwaneke in Athens as he was an instructor. Bob and I were later at SPCC together for a couple of years. Vance Berry and I were line transfer classmates at Athens. I was sea slated, but decided to retire at 20 for a number of reasons. Tough decision at the time, but no regrets now.
We started a company in 1998 called Liquidity Services and we won the contract to sell all DOD surplus property. We took it to online sales around 2000 which was quite new at that time. It was a great run and we had the contract for 16 years. We also started doing the same kind of investment recovery business for large companies and other govt. entities. That is where I met Scott Burns as we did some sales for P&G. We took the company public in 2006. My final position was EVP for Global Operations and I left in 2016. I was traveling almost every week and some of it to Asia and Europe so it was time to cash in my chips and scale back, especially given that our son was 9 at the time. My wife Robin and I now own commercial real estate in Newport News, most of which we lease out, but we have two businesses we operate as well. We live in Smithfield VA. Classmates are always welcome to visit.
Gary Lovgren (11th Co.): I was also a line transfer from the Aviation Community (E2-C). The Navy was good to me when I could no longer fly, they offered me any other community I chose. I remembered how interested I was in the Supply Community on my First Class Cruise and made that quick decision. No regrets. After being a Supply Officer on a couple of ships (USS Mount Whitney and USS Dahlgren) I decided to stay in Norfolk and keep a reserve commission. That progressed to being a full time TAR Officer that I continued for nearly 20 years!!! I had the opportunity to serve with so many friends (including Drew Nienhaus) and my family and I were happy to move wherever the Navy and God sent us. Fascinating opportunities from Reserve Commands to the War College, DLA and NAVSUP. Upon retirement we moved to ski country, New Hampshire, where we had the chance to serve the community teaching Social Studies in the local High School and becoming a Department Head at a neighboring Ski Resort (Cranmore). This is the first year we are truly “retired.” Anyone interested in a few ski runs? Plenty of good skiing left this year.
Kevin Walter (23rd Co.): I transferred to the Supply Corps after my first SWO tour aboard a Destroyer, USS Benjamin Stoddert DDG22, home-ported in Pearl Harbor, HI. I met the ship on a WestPAC deployment and started in the job of First Lieutenant followed by ASW officer. I then changed my designator to Supply Corp and attended the BQC in Athens GA. As Supply Officer on the USS Glover FF1098 I made a Med deployment and one Panama Canal transit for OPS in the Pacific. My next sea duty was OIC Military Detachment on the USNS Concord TAFS-5 on which I made two MED Deployments. My shore assignments included NPGS, Navy Supply Center, Navy ICP, Naval Station, Military Transportation Command, USCINCPAC and FLEET forces command.
I retired with 28 years of service and settled in Virginia Beach with my wife, Patrice. I have four children, one born in Hawaii, one born in Virginia and two (twins) born in PA. Patrice and I currently live in Virginia Beach and operate a small Airbnb at the Ocean Front.
Note: If we missed any other Supply Guys, please let Scott Burns know so we can add you to list.