Sean Coffey’s (13th Co.) Last Work Day as Navy General Counsel

From Sean’s FB Post:

Later this morning I will enter the Pentagon for the final time as 24th General Counsel of the Navy.

It has been my high honor to lead the 1,100 outstanding lawyers and staff of the Dept of the Navy’s Office of General Counsel for the past three years. In my time as chief legal officer for the Navy and Marine Corps, I tried my best each day to do my part to make our Nation safer, to improve the lives of our Sailors, Marines, civilians, and their families, and to make sure the American taxpayers got their money’s worth.

I am indebted to my fellow NYer and Navy grad, SECNAV Carlos Del Toro, for the trust and latitude he gave me. I thank the senior uniformed and career civilian leaders for their support and wish them the very best as they continue to stand the watch. And I thank the members of OGC for what they did for me and more importantly for what they expertly do every day for our Navy and Marines Corps.

It was a great ride. I’m sad it’s over. But as I head home to New York I take great pride in what OGC has accomplished on behalf of our clients, and great comfort in knowing that the fine folks at OGC will continue to show why DON OGC is the finest law firm in government.

I committed to the incoming Administration’s transition team that I will do whatever I can to help my as-of-yet-not-named successor to succeed as GC – and to help the DON thrive under the incoming leadership. It’s too important and we live in too perilous times to do otherwise. May God grant them wisdom and good fortune as they assume the watch of our beloved Navy and Marines Corps.

Go Navy and Semper Fidelis!