ANNAPOLIS, Md.— Induction for the United States Naval Academy Class of 2024, originally scheduled for Jun. 25, 2020, has been delayed by approximately one week. The Naval Academy will receive the incoming class over a four-day period, Jun. 29 – Jul. 2, 2020. Incoming students will be notified of their new report date and time over the next week.
“Induction is being shifted by one week in order to take the necessary, precautionary steps to safely induct and train the Class of 2024 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Adm. Sean S. Buck.
Following the final move out of the Class of 2020 from Bancroft Hall, Naval Academy staff will shift its focus to the deliberate move out of the remaining classes of midshipmen and a thorough cleaning and sanitizing of the dormitory.
To maximize the safety of incoming plebes, their family members and friends, and USNA staff, Induction will be closed to all guests, including parents, family and friends, the media, and members of the public (including individuals with Yard access). A final decision regarding Plebe Parents’ Weekend (currently scheduled for Aug. 7-9) is still pending and will be announced at a later date.
The incoming plebe class will participate in a 14-day restriction of movement (ROM) upon arrival to USNA. We will also ask incoming plebes through additional correspondence to self-isolate in their homes and minimize contact with others to the maximum extent possible during the two-week period prior to their report date.
“During the ROM at USNA, plebes will be indoctrinated in the Naval Academy’s moral and mental missions through online lectures, and the study of the Navy’s Bluejacket Manual and Midshipmen Regulations Manual,” said Commandant of Midshipmen Capt. T.R. Buchanan. “Similarly, upper class midshipmen and staff who will be involved with the training of the incoming class over plebe summer will be in a ROM status to ensure the health and safety of all involved.”
USNA is committed to protecting the health of our force. We have been and will remain in close coordination with state and federal public health authorities to ensure the well-being of our personnel and local population.
For more information about the Naval Academy, please visit: www.usna.edu or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/USNavalAcademy.