Class of 2028 I-Day Attendance Confirmation

Hello All,

I need hard confirmation/reconfirmation on attending the Swearing In and Dinner at the O’Club. Please let me know right away as arrangements are being finalized. Spouses/partners may participate in both.

For those that have yet to commit to 27 June, please do so as soon as possible. If you happen to be aware of someone else’s interest, please forward this email and include the cc addresses in the communication.

The I-Day schedule is after my signature for convenience.

Planning Information

Parent’s I-Day Expo

  • Our objective is to meet 2028 parents, family members, and friends and introduce them to some of the USNA traditions, in particular “Another Link In The Chain.” This will occur from 1000 – 1400 at Hospital Point.
  • Tents will be erected to provide some protection from the sun’s effects. Lunch is provided plus plenty of bottled water. For inclement weather, we will move in doors – the location will be confirmed.
  • Parking unfortunately is limited; if you find a spot in the Yard – great, otherwise plan on parking at the stadium and shuttling over by the provided buses. If you have limited mobility, please let me know. We will work to arrange any additional transportation.
  • If you are willing, we appreciate anyone volunteering to help set up. We will start no later than 0730.
  • Thank you for the outpouring to support set up! While “many hands make little work,” virtually everyone stepped forward. Thanks! We will have four parking spaces at Alumni Hall for ALITC participants; otherwise find parking as you can in the Yard or at the Stadium as mentioned above.
  • Vince and I will be hauling key elements for the setup and will arrive at Hospital Point at 0730. It will include Coffee (!!!), donuts, and bagels (with some fixins!). Please remember, the formal expo commences at 1000, but anticipate inductee family and friends may arrive prior to the start time.

Uniform of the Day

  • For the ‘Expo’ activities, a polo shirt and shorts are appropriate. The ideal shirt will have our `78 crest on it. If you don’t have one, a ‘Navy” or “USNA” logo is suitable. Lessons learned from past I-Day ALITC participants recommend light colored shirts. Should you desire to purchase one, go to They have several nice options. Be sure they ship it in time for the event.
  • The swearing in attire will be a similar shirt with khaki trousers. We will be sitting outside if dry weather – it is likely to be warm and humid! We are working on shower and changing arrangements to avoid having to go off-site between events to freshen and change. We will provide updates as they develop.
  • Recommend bringing a hat – the USNA straw boater or other USNA related cover with a brim. It will be useful at the expo as well as the swearing in.
  • Good news, we have arranged access to Hubbard Hall at the conclusion of the Expo to share and change for follow-on activities. Be sure to bring gear and change of clothes. Obtain access information at the event.

`78-vintage artifacts

  • If you have any and are willing to display them, two 8-foot tables will be arranged under a tent.
  • We desire vintage memorabilia display during the expo. We will have a label maker to tag items you bring. We have dixie cup, milk carton, T-Court brick, year book, P-rade uniform, “ravaged” reef points offered already. Please ID anything you would offer up for display to provide more view into the past.
  • Four chairs will be available to periodically rest our tired legs while meeting with 2028 parents and families. Should you desire, bring a chair for personal use.

Behind the Scenes Tours

  • Investigating an opportunity to view behind the scenes operations as inductees are processed in. We will let you know details as they develop.

Swearing In

  • We are allotted a total of 60 seats for the swearing in ceremony – 10 with the Superintendent and 50 with the Commandant parties. Let me know your interest in attending right away. I need to get names and numbers in as soon as possible. Spouses/partners may have an opportunity to participate if seats remain available after our count.
  • PLEASE CONFIRM/RECONFIRM INTEREST. Include spouses/partners if interested. We need to submit names ASAP!

NAPSTER Meet & Greet

  • NAPSTER meet & greet is not likely based on initial inquires


  • We are in discussion with the Officer’s Club about hosting a dinner after the swearing in. Please let me known your interest and any dietary requirements so we may account for them in the planning.
  • We have a room at the O’Club and arranging a Surf & Turf buffet dinner with cash bar, for participates (and guests) to spend time visiting with fellow classmates. We will receive a subsidy for Class coffers to cover part of the evening. We do however ask for a contribution of $40/attendee.


  • Lastly, we will arrange Zoom Call sessions to review the planning about one and two weeks prior to the event.

The I-Day schedule is below for convenience.

0615 Commence processing for the incoming class (Alumni Hall).

0715-1100 Complimentary “Behind the Scenes” Yard Tours for Plebe Families (Outside Alumni Hall near the Southern Entrance)

0730-100 Set up and prepare for Hospital Point Expo activities*

0730-1730 USNA (Midshipman) Store open.

0800 Colors Ceremony (music provided by the Naval Academy Band at Worden Field Gazebo)

0800-1700 Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center Gift Shop open.

1000-1400 Parents and Guest Expo Begins at Hospital Point with multiple vendors*

0930-1500 Naval Academy Tours & Information available (Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center).

1000-1400 Yard Patrol Craft tours (Dewey Seawall).

1100-1400 Alumni Association/USNA Foundation Welcome Aboard Picnic (Hospital Point)*

1250-1420 Catholic Mass for all those who wish to attend (Brigade Chapel)

1400-1730 Break to refresh*

1435-1500 Band Concert (inside Alumni Hall before the Parent’s Briefing)

1430-1600 Parents’ Briefing in Alumni Hall (Superintendent, Commandant, Academic Dean and Provost, Athletic Director) Doors open 1430; brief begins at 1500

1725 Band Concert (T-Court) and procession to seats.

1800 Oath of Office Ceremony in T-Court (inclement weather, in Alumni Hall); meet at ceremony location at 1730 (We have 10 and 50 seats with the Superintendent’s and Commandant’s parties, respectively)*

1830-1915 Incoming class meet with parents in designated areas along Stribling/Personal swearing-in ceremonies in Smoke Hall*

1930 Evening meal formation (Stribling Walk) with Band support.

1900 O’Club Dinner