Announcing the USNA Alumni Association Thriving As Leaders Award Program

Attention Alumni Community,

To help us better tell the story of the many members who are, every day and everywhere, thriving as leaders in and out of uniform, we are proud to announce the new annual Thriving As Leaders award program for living U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association members in good standing.

Starting today and closing on 1 August, as an Association member in good standing you can nominate any other fellow member for the 2024 award in three categories:

The Alumni Outstanding Achievement (AOA)—Athletic Award, to recognize and celebrate the athletic achievements of USNA alumni in amateur or professional athletics. This award is open to alumni only.

The Alumni Outstanding Achievement—Professional (Non-Athletic) award, to recognize and celebrate the achievements of alumni in their paid work across all industries, sectors, and spheres of human endeavor. This award is open to alumni only.

The Volunteer Leadership and Service (VLS) award, to recognize and celebrate those Association members, including our non-voting members, who are thriving as leaders in volunteer roles and unpaid work all over the world. This award is open to all Association members. Qualifying service for voting members (USNA alumni) is any unpaid work. Qualifying service for non-voting members must benefit the Association.

The Naval Academy is a national treasure for the men and women it produces who give everything they have to their mission in uniform, and then everything they have to their paid work and to the causes important to them in their volunteer work, in their pursuit of the highest ideals of command, citizenship, and government. Our Association includes non-voting members who are also inspired to volunteer and serve. The Thriving As Leaders awards are the stories of all of us, told through our exemplars, that bring to life the mission of the Naval Academy and the mission of our Association. In this inaugural year, we are calling for all members to reflect on who among us are the exemplars in each of the award categories, and nominate them by using the the simple online form for the AOA and VLS awards:

AOA Award Nomination Form (Athletic and Professional/Non-Athletic)

VLS Award Nomination Form

Nominations for this year’s inaugural Thriving As Leaders awards will close on 1 August 2024. Nominations received after 1 August will be considered for the 2025 awards. Questions about the award program and nomination process should be directed to our Legacy Programs team through staff point of contact Wesley Huey ’87 at or by phone at 410-295-4023.