Andy grew up with Texas football. Selected as East Texas Offensive Player of the Year during his
high school senior season, Andy was recruited by USNA. By way of the Naval Academy Prep
School, he entered the Naval Academy with the class of 1978 and was designated the starting
quarterback for the Plebe team during his first football season. After suffering a season ending
knee injury in his first game, Andy decided to play for the 150 LB football team starting his
youngster year. He was the starting quarterback during his last three years, breaking numerous
USNA and league game and season passing records. These records stood for more than fifteen
years. His outstanding leadership on and off the field led the team to a 150 LB National Title
during his senior year. Andy was selected as Conference First Team Quarterback both his junior
and senior years. Andy was voted as Co-Captain of the team his senior year.
In addition to being the starting quarterback, Andy held the distinction of being the only varsity
football player ever to serve simultaneously as a Company Commander during the football
season. He was also nominated for the prestigious USNA Thompson Trophy during his senior
Andy’s football acumen and extraordinary leadership led to him being selected as an Assistant
Coach for the 150 LB. Football Team following graduation for the 1978 football season prior to
him attending Naval Aviation flight school.
Immediately following his designation as a Naval Aviator, Andy was selected as a pilot instructor
for a year and then joined the P3 Naval Aviation community. After serving seven years on
active duty, he served an additional 23 years as a Naval Reservist, mostly in aviation squadrons
accumulating over 4,000 flight hours. He served as the Commanding Officer of VP-91 at
Moffett Field, CA and several other command tours during his tenure. He retired with the rank
of Captain.
Following his active duty tours, Andy joined the commercial airline industry. He initially flew for
Northwest Airlines before merging with Delta Airlines. During his commercial aviation career,
he also was designated an instructor pilot and check airman while wortking in the Training
Departments for both airlines. After 35 years of service, Andy retired from Delta Airlines as an
A330 Captain.